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Boxing News

Women’s World Boxing Championships 2024 to take place in Kazakhstan

The Women’s World Boxing Championships 2024 is scheduled to take place in Astana, Kazakhstan concluded the International Boxing Association (IBA) Board of Directors meeting.

Vice President of International Relations, Aziz Kozhambetov from the Kazakhstan Boxing Federation presented the bid and Astana was chosen to host the tournament next year at the Barys Arena.

The prize money for the event is also set to be doubled with the first place boxers winning $200,000 USD.

“I am happy that such a powerhouse in boxing like Kazakhstan is to host one of the biggest IBA tournaments. The competition has already taken place in Astana in 2016, and now comes back in a more powerful way, as we double prize money for women,” IBA President Umar Kremlev said.

“For the first place we award the boxers $200,000 USD, and the overall prize fund is $4.8 million USD for all 12 categories. This amount includes 10 per cent that belongs to the head coaches of the national teams. I am looking forward to a great Championships and greeting the boxers in Astana next year.”

The board discussed key issues of the organization before the International Olympic Committee (IOC) makes its recommendation towards governing body’s reinstatement.

President Kremlev said, “We hope that the decision of the IOC will be based on facts and not on the assumptions. From IBA’s side, we did our utmost to inform the International Olympic Committee about all strides towards implementation of their recommendations and beyond it. We are fully transparent and open; we hope for the fair assessment of IBA’s significant progress as one of the best International Federations.”

The Board of Directors also decided on their next official meeting which is to be held in July in Phuket, Thailand.

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