Andrey Rublev took to social media on Monday to speak out for the first time following the controversial end to his week at the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships, thanking fans and others in the tennis community for their support, while vowing to “learn from this” and “try to be a better player and better person.”
The Russian was defaulted at 6-5 in the third set of his semifinal match against Alexander Bublik on Friday due to purported verbal abuse of an official in his native Russian, a claim which Rublev denied. He subsequently appealed the ruling to the ATP; in a decision annouced Monday prior to Rublev releasing his statement, the tour ruled that Rublev can keep the ranking points and prize money he earned from the event, but was fined $36,400.
The “customary penalties associated with a default … would be disproportionate in this case,” the tour said in a statement, noting that it reviewed video evidence in the aftermath and took into account player and official testimonies.
Rublev’s statement to social media also added his wish that the ATP “take a closer look” at the rule and institute video review when a default is in question, a claim echoed by many others in the tennis ecosystem in the three days since the incident occurred.
“I want to thank the appeal committee for approving my appeal and changing course on the ATP’s initial decision of disqualifying me from the Dubai semifinal and taking away the ranking points and prize money I earned last week,” Rublev wrote in a statement posted to his social media channels.
“I hope that in the future, the ATP will take a closer look at this rule and make changes to it, so that an official can’t force a match outcome without having clear evidence and not letting the player have video review.”
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